We believe it’s vitally important that we do what we can to take care of the planet and to take responsibility for replenishing natural resources as best we can.
That’s why we pay particular attention to where our materials come from, ensuring they are sustainably sourced. We also minimise waste by designing using Computer Aided Design (CAD), both to bring designs to life, and to maximise the efficiency of materials. Within the workshop, we use entirely renewable energy to power the electronics and machinery, offsetting our carbon use each year. We are passionate about supporting local artisans who are exceptional at their craft, which allows us to support the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint needed to travel to projects. We pride ourselves on designing and hand-making spaces that will stand the test of time, which makes them both durable and long lived, reducing the need for replacement or update.
A sustainable approach

National Trust ‘Plant a Tree Fund’
Per project, we commit to replanting trees within the UK, through the National Trusts ‘Plant a Tree Fund’.
We do this by working out the weight of the wood used per project, which we then equate into the number of trees used for the build. Using this calculation, we can then fund the National Trust to do the important work of re-planting trees across the UK.
We also share the number of trees that have been planted for the project at completion, as part of our handover package, because we believe it’s important information for our clients.